Pletronics, Inc.
Pletronics builds and supplies special crystals and oscillators to provide you with the superior quality products you need. Our goal is to be close to the customer. We aim to identify and respond to our customers' needs with efficiency, creativity and flexibility.
Specializing in programmable products, Cardinal Components excels in offering versatile frequency product solutions with fast deliveries. Cardinal offers both pre-programmed products and programming blanks and devices for those customers that require the utmost flexibility.
Founded in 1968, Isotemp Research specialized in customized, high quality frequency control products for the communication and test equipment industries. Main product lines include Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs), Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs), and Miniature Heater for Quartz Resonators (Mini-Ovens).
2002年,Registered by BSI for ISO 9001:2000
2003年,Opened International Support Centers in Singapore and Hong Kong
2004年,Established a joint venture with a foundry in Republic of Korea
2005年,High frequency, low jitter oscillator introduction.The first high frequency (106.25MHz and 212.5MHz) low jitter and low cost LVDS and PECL oscillators introduced.
2006年,The LV9/PE9/VPU7/VLU7 LVDS and PECL clock oscillators and VCXO introduced. First 1GHz PECL 7x5mm oscillator shipped.
2007年,Began the development of low cost OCXOs especially for FemtoCell and PicoCell frequency control solutions Began development of specially constructed oscillators and VCXOs for the medical field.
2008年,Joint Venture operation opened in Japan which added capacity of high frequency CMOS, LVDS and PECL products.
2009年,Launching of Ultra Precision TCXO, +/-0.1 ppm VCTCXO for FemtoCell and PicoCell frequency control.
2010年,Low power OeXO family of products introduced,VCTCXO replacement for many OCXO applications. Expansion of production and test capabilities for VCTCXOs
2011年,Developed LC oscillator technology oscillators
2013年,Developed GPS Modules (GT-11)
2014年,Developed Ultra Low Noise PECL/ LVDS/HCSL Oscillators
2015年,Developed OeM8/OeS8 Improved VCTCXO Oscillator
2018年,Introduced PCIe4 Compliant Oscillator HC5544DEV-100.0M,Introduced PCIe4 Compliant Oscillator HC5544DEV-100.0M
2019年,Acquired by Taitien Electronics Co., Ltd.
2021年,Expanded Brand Families.Integrated Affiliated Subsidiaries: Cardinal Components
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